Anyone using Livecode Server for sending PushNotifications?

Jim Lambert jiml at
Thu Sep 25 13:29:59 EDT 2014

About a year ago I used John’s lcx files for doing push notifications and they worked beautifully.

If you only need to send a single notification to a single device here’s a variation on John’s script that will do it.

Jim Lambert

include "includes/"

command sendNotification pDevice, pAlert, pBadge, pSound, pPayload
# Provide the Host Information.
local tHost = ""
local tPort = 2195

# Provide the Certificate and Key Data.
local tCert = "AppCertKey.pem"

# Provide the Private Key Passphrase (alternatively you can keep this secrete and 
# enter the key manually on the terminal -> remove relevant line from code).
# Replace XXXXX with your Passphrase
local tPassphrase = "XXXXX"

	# create the notificaion
	put pAlert into tBodyA["aps"]["alert"]
	put pBadge into tBodyA["aps"]["badge"]
	put pSound into tBodyA["aps"]["sound"]
	put pPayload into tBodyA["payload"]

	# convert to json - Mark Smith's library
	put arrayToJson(tBodyA) into tNotification
 	# build the binary notification to send
		repeat for each item tCode in "0,0,32"
			put numToChar(tCode) after tBinary
		end repeat
		put binaryEncode("H*", tDevice) after tBinary
		put binaryEncode("n", length(tNotification)) after tBinary
		put tNotification after tBinary

	# write the binary to a file and send via openssl
	put (pDevice & the seconds) & ".bin" into tFile
	put tBinary into URL("binfile:APNs/" & tFile)
	get shell("cat APNs/" & tFile & " | openssl s_client -connect" && tHost & ":" &  tPort && "-cert" && tCert && "-pass pass:" & tPassphrase)
end sendNotification

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