LiveCode to Facebook?

Pierre Sahores sc at
Wed Sep 24 19:20:28 EDT 2014

Hi Scott,

Here is the way it goes on one of my project on the way to be published along october :

on module_socialshare
   if url MIAS is "" then 
      answer tolocalisation("Désolé. Vos réseaux sociaux ne sont accessibles qu'en mode connecté.")
      exit module_socialshare
   end if
   get myCustomBusyIndicatorStart("","gray")
   local mesResauxSociaux,mySelection,mTitle,mSummary,mURL,mImage,pageToGo,tproducts_scan,tsharedproduct,tproducts_url,tsharedproduct_image
   if the platform is "iphone" then
      answer tolocalisation("Sélection du réseau social :") with "Facebook" or "Google+" or "Pinterest" or "Twitter" or tolocalisation("Annuler")
      if it is tolocalisation("Annuler") then
         ### answer tolocalisation("Opération annulée à votre demande.")
         exit module_socialshare
      else put it into mySelection
      put "Facebook" & return &  "Google+" & return &  "Pinterest" & return &  "Twitter" into mesResauxSociaux
      # put "Facebook" & return &  "Google+" & return &  "Pinterest" & return &  "Twitter" & return & "@Mail" into mesResauxSociaux
      mobilePick mesResauxSociaux, 1, "cancelDone"
      if the result is "0" then
         ### answer tolocalisation("Opération annulée à votre demande.")
         exit module_socialshare
      else put line (the result) of mesResauxSociaux into mySelection
   end if
   if mySelection is "@Mail" then 
      put url ("" & gAppVars["MobileAppName"] & "_" & gAppVars["activecatalog"] & "/") into tproducts_scan
      put lineoffset("'>" & trim(line 2 of fld "page_title") & "</a></li>", tproducts_scan) into tsharedproduct
      put lineoffset("alt=" & setquote(trim(line 2 of fld "page_title")), tproducts_scan) into tsharedproduct_image
      if tsharedproduct > 0 then
         set itemdel to "/"
         put "" & item 2 to 6 of line tsharedproduct of tproducts_scan & "/" into tproducts_url
         set itemdel to quote
         put "" & item 4 of line tsharedproduct_image of tproducts_scan into tsharedproduct_image
         if mySelection is "Facebook" then
            put "" & \
                  tproducts_url  & \
                  "&title="& \
                  urlencode(trim(line 2 of fld "page_title")) & \
                  "&desc="& \
                  urlencode("So high end, my Redskins...") into pageToGo
         else if mySelection is "Google+" then
            put "" & tproducts_url & \
                  "&title="& \
                  urlencode(trim(line 2 of fld "page_title")) & \
                  "&content=" & \
                  urlencode("So high end, my Redskins...") into pageToGo
         else if mySelection is "Pinterest" then
            put "" & \
                  tproducts_url & \
                  "&description="& \
                  urlencode("So high end, my Redskins...") & \
                  "&media=" & \
                  tsharedproduct_image into pageToGo
         else if mySelection is "Twitter" then
            put "" & \
                  urlencode("So high end, my Redskins...") & \
                  "&url=" & \
                  tproducts_url into pageToGo
         end if
         mobileControlSet "MySocialShare", "url", pageToGo
         mobileControlSet "MySocialShare", "visible", true
         answer tolocalisation("Oops. Référence produit erronée. Partage du modèle sélectionné sur les réseaux sociaux impossible.")
      end if
   end if
end module_socialshare



Le 25 sept. 2014 à 01:01, Scott Rossi <scott at> a écrit :

> Hi List:
> Anyone know if it's possible on mobile to launch the local Facebook app
> from a LiveCode standalone?
> I'm using Monte Goulding's mergSocial external for FB posting which works
> fine, as long as the user is signed into Facebook via their iOS settings.
> If they're not signed in, posting on Facebook is not available.  This
> makes sense, but is also a limitation for the user, since their native FB
> app continues to operate as expected.
> I'm hoping to provide a second FB posting alternative for users by
> offering to launch the native FB app if mergSocial is unable to connect to
> the service.  Is this possible?  Does anyone know if/how this usability
> issue is handled in other apps?
> Thanks for suggestions.
> Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, UX/UI Design
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Pierre Sahores
mobile : 06 03 95 77 70

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