need some RGB bug tester

Matthias Rebbe | M-R-D matthias_livecode_150811 at
Mon Sep 15 07:29:17 EDT 2014


don´t know if this is of some help for you, but if i open the image in an browser and compare it to  the one in the LC stack on Mac then i can see that the color of the image in LC is not the same as the color of the image in the browser. The LC one seems darker.

If i use the loupe of the Color selection dialog on Mac and select the image in Browser i can see values similar to the ones you can see on Windows. Doing the same with the LC image i can see values similar to the ones LC is reporting back.
So LC is seems to "change" the image in some way on Mac OS X.



Am 15.09.2014 um 10:38 schrieb Tiemo Hollmann TB <toolbook at>:

> Hi,
> I am looking for some guys, who could verify my different RGB results on Win
> / Mac.
> Please create a stack and put the following script into a button and save
> the stack:
> on mouseUp
>   create img "foo"
>   set the filename of img "foo" to "foo.png"
>   put the imageData of img "foo" into tImageData
>   put chartonum(char 8442 of tImageData) & comma & chartonum(char 8443 of
> tImageData) & comma & chartonum(char 8444 of tImageData) -- a pixel some
> somewhere in the middle
> end mouseUp
> Please download the following test picture:
> and put it into the same folder as your test stack. Its just a blue.
> Running the script with LC 6.5.2 on my Windows 7 machine it outputs the
> following RGB: 99,150,200. Same done on my Mac OS X 10.9 it results:
> 82,130,188.
> In this example the difference is only about 20 on each RGB value. On other
> tests I had constant 30. Can you verify this? Do you get different results
> with different LC versions?
> Thanks for any tests
> Tiemo
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