Scripting Cut/Copy/Paste in custom menus

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Mon Sep 15 00:46:46 EDT 2014

On 9/14/2014, 11:19 PM, Kay C Lan wrote:
> Except Paul is right, on OS X the clear command in a custom built menu
> does not invoke a closeField message which it does if using the IDE's
> clear command. This does seem to be a bug.

I never use "clear" so I had to look it up. Clear is a synonym of 
"delete" and only works on objects ("delete this cd", "delete img 1".) 
So that explains why it doesn't work in fields.

I tried scripting a text deletion, but then we're back where we started 
-- scripted text changes don't trigger a closefield.

So in the case of "clear", your first solution is probably workable. I 
guess that explains why I always remove "Clear" from my menus. It's 
become so habitual, I'd forgotten why.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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