Download and Run Stacks - Can Do On Mobile?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Sat Sep 13 13:07:06 EDT 2014

Charles E Buchwald wrote:
 > I've been working on a system that is basically a magazine reader. My
 > iOS "player" contains all the code. It downloads a ZIP archive with
 > an XML file that contains all the content, plus the media assets.
 > If I need to add functionality of any kind, I'll update the iOS
 > player, even if it's only interactivity that I plan on using in the
 > future.
 > This isn't quite as flexible as the kind of arrangement that Richard
 > is talking about here, but it's still pretty clean and versatile. Of
 > course it works on other platforms, too.

AFAIK*, it should be allowable to even use stack files as content 
containers, provided they include no executable code.

This is a odd area though, since it's possible to set up a system of 
behaviors in which one could submit an app with one set of 
functionality, and later download behavior-driven stack files that 
include no code but completely alter the functionality of the software.

I haven't read Apple's iOS SDK license since way back when they 
backpedaled on the earlier provenance clause in SDK 4.0 (section 3.3.1).

It would be helpful if any of you who have read the current terms could 
comment on the state of Apple's policies with regard to code and content 
downloaded within the app outside of Apple's app store.

If they still prohibit sharing executable code, it would seem only a 
matter of time before they discover that's what Novocard does, and ban 
it from their app stores as they have with other apps they'd previously 

But if they continue to allow Novocard after policy review, that should 
mean we have the same privileges, opening the door to delivering some 
pretty exciting apps with the same ease and flexibility we enjoy on all 
other platforms.

* Disclaimer required by the State of California:  "I am not an 
attorney.  If you need the services of an attorney you should consult a 
professional licensed to practice law in your area."

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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