Externals in Objective-C

JB sundown at pacifier.com
Thu Sep 11 23:45:42 EDT 2014

n theory any language that can build shared libraries and allows you to link with the provided glue code
could be used. However, in practice, some languages will require extra glue-code in order to provide an
environment in which their code can run. For example, to access Objective-C you will need to ensure you
set up its memory/exception environment in C wrapper functions before calling any Objective-C code.

Does anyone have a  copy or example of a C wrapper functions for memory/exception environment?

I want to write a external using Objective-C instead of C++.  Does anyone have example code of how
to write a external for Revolution using Objective-C?  It appears that even Swift might be able to be
used for writing externals in LiveCode and Revolution.  Does anyone have some example code that
will allow the writing of externals with objective-C or Swift?

John Balgenorth

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