Reassigning stack names in behavior references

Jim Lambert jiml at
Thu Sep 11 13:52:51 EDT 2014

Behaviors are very useful. Scott Rossi gave an excellent presentation on them at the recent conference.

One thing that sometimes trips me up - I’ll assign a behavior to a bunch of controls then I’ll re-name the stack that contains the original behavior button. 
Dumb :( because the controls can’t find the original reference button.

If you ever find yourself in that situation, here’s a script to rename the referenced stack names in one shot.

on updateBehaviorStackNames oldStackName
   -- If you change the name of the stack that owns a behavior button, then all controls that have that behavior would fail to invoke it.
   -- Use this handler to change the referenced stack in card controls that have behaviors.
   -- It will replace the old stackname reference with the new stackname
   if oldStackName is empty  then
      answer error "Please pass old stack name."
   end if
   repeat with x = 1 to the number of controls
      set the cursor to busy
      put the behavior of control x into cBehavior
      if cBehavior is empty then next repeat
      replace oldStackName with the short name of this stack in cBehavior
      set the behavior of control x to cBehavior
   end repeat
end updateBehaviorStackNames

Jim Lambert

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