OT: OS X codesigning best practise?

Klaus major-k klaus at major-k.de
Wed Sep 10 12:53:00 EDT 2014

Hi Tiemo,

Am 10.09.2014 um 18:21 schrieb Tiemo Hollmann TB <toolbook at kestner.de>:

> Hello,
> I am just trying the first time to codesign my app on OS X 10.9, the
> certificate I bought already.
> When using the command line codesign utility, it seems that I have to
> codesign each .bundle and .app, which is included in my app first, before I
> can codesign my app itself.
> ...
> Thanks for your experience

most of the command line utilities have a little help file (manual = man).
Evoke it in the Terminal with: 
man name_of_utility

So here do: 
man codesign

And see all possible options/parameter.

> Tiemo



Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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