fatal flaw in Mobile Support preferences under Yosemite

Chris Sheffield cmsheffield at icloud.com
Fri Sep 5 15:59:35 EDT 2014

Just got bit by this. Thought I’d throw out the warning just in case.

I installed OS X Yosemite yesterday to give it a go. I fired up LC today and tried to create an app build (iOS) only to discover that the process failed. I went into the Mobile Support prefs, and the entire iOS SDKs pane was disabled and no SDKs were set. I peeked into the code a bit, and discovered that it’s using the systemVersion in a couple places to determine which versions of OS X and SDKs are supported. Turns out, under Yosemite, the systemVersion returns 10.10.0, which of course, numbers-wise, is less than 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, etc. So the pane is getting disabled and it’s impossible to set the path to any SDK.

Pretty nasty bug. I’ll report it, but thought I’d give everyone a heads up. I’ll probably try to come up with a workaround in the meantime, as I need it to work with LC 6.6.2, and I’m not sure if we’ll get another 6.6.x release in order to fix it or not.


Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally, Inc.

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