Getting a list of object properties + Dictionary question

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Oct 10 13:33:01 EDT 2014

On 10/10/2014, 10:56 AM, Earp Robert J. wrote:
> I'm using LC 6.6.3 on Mavericks and the Dictionary doesn't work as
> you suggest, it just sorts the contents of the dictionary columns by
> Type, which does put all the type "properties" together, but not all
> of the properties for a given object.

I'm using the same version and OS. Clicking the Type header does just do 
a sort, but I didn't know any properties were missing. They shouldn't 
be. Can you give an example so I can take a look?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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