How is the LC textsize converted into RTF?

Tiemo Hollmann TB toolbook at
Wed Oct 8 11:25:36 EDT 2014


I am struggling to keep the wanted textSize from a LiveCode text in a RTF

I have a LiveCode 6.5.2 field where I have set word 1 to textsize 12 and
word 2 to textsize 14

When looking into the RTF code it shows "fs18" and "fs21"

When writing the RTFtext to a file and opening it in Word (on Windows) it
shows me the textSize 9 and 10,5


How do I get the wanted (same) textsize from a LiveCode field into a RTF

Is there a secret transformation table of textSizes or is it just fiddling
around to get the wanted result?


Thanks for any hints





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