from here to there

Kay C Lan lan.kc.macmail at
Mon Oct 6 22:31:26 EDT 2014

On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 6:37 AM,  <larry at> wrote:

> It is sort of strange to me that I want more than 1 word and so I used
> "words",

As to how grammatically correct it is I'm sure Richmond could tell us,
but I like to think of it this way, I'm not actually specifying plural
what I'm doing is specifying a start point and an end point and these
are always singular.

char 1 to char 21
word 5 to word -2

this is then conveniently shorthanded to:

item 2 to 22
token 34 to -9
byte -8 to -1

Also, if I ask myself, how do I get every word from a variable - note
I've used the singular, so the answer is, word 1 to -1  --again I use
the singular

And just in case it comes up, remember a word in LC includes any
punctuation that may follow what we typically think of as a word, in
the message box

put "this is, a word" into tStore
put word 1 to 2 of tStore into msg

if you don't want the punctuation you might find trueword is what you need

put "this is, a word" into tStore
put trueword 1 to 2 of tStore into msg


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