Prevent Stack Resizing
richmondmathewson at
Mon Oct 6 15:41:24 EDT 2014
On 06/10/14 22:32, JB wrote:
> In the property inspector you can deselect the
> LiveResizing option to prevent the user from
> being able to drag and resize a stack.
> But this does not stop the stack from being resized
> if a mac user clicks on the last button in the top left
> corner of the window. And the resizeStack message
> is sent after the stack has been resized so you can’t
> use it to prevent a stack from being resized.
> Is it possible to prevent a stack from being resized it
> a mac user clicks on the last button in the top left of
> the stack window?
> John Balgenorth
> _______________________________________________
Check out the 'Controls' settings halfway down the
'Basic Properties' pane of the Preferences palette
for your stack.
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