Text fields with rounded corners

Ken Ray kray at sonsothunder.com
Sun Oct 5 15:24:27 EDT 2014

Does it have to be editable? If not, then you might be able to get away with a single roundrect graphic object and set the label of the graphic to the text you want. Granted you have limitations, but you can still manipulate things like alignment, margins, etc.   

Ken RaySons of Thunder Software, Inc.http://www.sonsothunder.com

On 05/10/14 15:47, FlexibleLearning.com wrote:

> roundRect graphic instead of a field border.


> 2p


> Hugh Senior

> FLCo



> From: Richmond <richmondmathewson at gmail.com>

> Subject: Text fields with rounded corners


> ?????


> Richmond




That doesn't help.

That is a fudge, with a text field overlaying a rectangle with rounded  

When I try:

set the roundRadius of fld "zz" to 50

nothing happens because 'roundRadius' is not a property of fields.



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