Engines, Metacard, and general mucking around

Mark Wieder mwieder at ahsoftware.net
Sun Oct 5 15:22:28 EDT 2014


Sunday, October 5, 2014, 12:10:44 PM, you wrote:

> One can open the .app folder of a Mac version of LiveCode or Metacard
> and swap out the engine.

> I wonder how one might go about this with Linux or a Windows versions of
> LiveCode/Metacard?

> Certainly, the Linux version looks monolithic.

Don't know about Windoze, but I swap the linux engine all the time
when I'm working on it. And nothing monolithic about it.

If you have it installed for all users, it's in /opt/runrev/<version>
and it's called livecodecommunity.i386 (or if you're using LC 7.0
64-bit it's called "LiveCode Community.x86_64"). I really wish it
didn't have a space in the middle, but that's what we're stuck with.
If you've installed it just for you then the the runrev folder is
probably off your home folder. In any case, it's a drop-in replacement
unless you also need to update the externals subfolder. But you know
what to do there.

-Mark Wieder
 ahsoftware at gmail.com

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