External files in Standalones

Marty Knapp martyknappster at gmail.com
Fri Nov 28 13:07:10 EST 2014

No that's the structure in the standalone only. If you look in the 
Standalone settings, you'll see that there's a place to indicate which 
stacks to include and another place to indicate non-stack files to 
include. I would set up a folder on your hard drive and organize as you 
wish, then go into the Standalone settings and let it know where things 
are. Then when you reference any stacks, LC knows where they are so you 
don't have to include the path to the stack.

For example, let's say you you want to open one of your stacks form the 
main stack. In a button you would just write 'go stack "MyStack"' and LC 
will know where it is (because you've indicated that in the standalone 
settings. It works in the IDE, it works in the standalone.

I just tried a quick test app and code signed it with App Wrapper and it 
worked fine (though the structure of the standalone is different than my 
earlier example).

I did find a lesson that may help you here:

Marty Knapp
> Marty:
> Is this what the folder structure looks like when you are developing the App? Perhaps this is where I’m going wrong. Do I need to use the same folder structure that the bundle will be, when I am doing the development. Currently, I have:
> myApp
> myApp->files   —this contains the sub-folders with images and various data items that I use.
> Bill
> On Nov 28, 2014, at 8:55 AM, Marty Knapp <martyknappster at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I don't use any externals, other than what LC may include (like revmxl.bundle and rezip.bundle), My bundle structure looks like this:
>> MyApp>Contents>MacOS>Externals>(all externals)
>> MyApp>Contents>MacOS>components>(where I put all my stacks)
>> App Wrapper 3 code signs just fine for me with this structure. I does code sign everything, so can take longer than it used to. You might drop an email to Sam Rowlands at Ohanaware, I've always had great support from him.
>> Marty Knapp
>>> Marty:
>>> Where do you put the folders that contain external binary and image data? The App Wrapper somehow loses the path to them. The standalone that Livecode creates finds these files, but App Wrapper somehow  loses the link, even tho the files are still present.
>>> So, I’m worrying over how to organize the external files so that the process goes smoothly.
>>> Bill
>>> On Nov 27, 2014, at 9:59 AM, Marty Knapp <martyknappster at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Ohanaware has just released App Wrapper 3 which I'm using (I'm just code signing, not using the App Store though) with success. Sam Rowlands is a great guy and has specifically worked with RunRev to make his product compatible with Livecode. Version 3 will take of Apple's new version 2 requirements.
>>>> <http://www.ohanaware.com/>
>>>> Marty Knapp
>>>>> Tom,
>>>>> I've been developing a large app in LC, while learning LC, and am just now at the stage of building a standalone. So, I haven't faced the apple store requirements yet. I guess I should spend more time looking at the forums, because for now I've concentrated on this list for info, and building the app for a January deadline. My plan for now is to finish the app, use InstallerMaker to build an installer, and send it to UC Santa Barbara for testing in an Earth Disasters course. This replaces an older app I made in Director. Then I'm going to add more bells and whistles, and try to get it into the Apple store. It would be really great if I could anticipate future problems with file structures, etc. ultimately, I will look at iPad deployment.
>>>>> One of the problems I've run into is the application builder changes the file structure and images that I have linked to controls lose their links when a standalone is built. But in general, It would be really useful if there was a place where sample file structures, application builder oddities, and apple store complexities were posted. The Livecode tutorials are laughably brief and un-informative, and I've googled to no avail.
>>>>> Any directions or links would be most welcome.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Bill
>>>>> William Prothero
>>>>> http://es.earthednet.org
>>>>>> On Nov 27, 2014, at 8:45 AM, tbodine <bodine at bodinetraininggames.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Bill.
>>>>>> Have you run into any problems yet with your Mac standalone getting rejected
>>>>>> by Gatekeeper under 10.9.5 or later?
>>>>>> Apparently the app bundle structure is under new restrictions with Apple's
>>>>>> V2 codesigning rules, "Resources should not be located in directories where
>>>>>> the system expects to find signed code".
>>>>>> Also, just curious, are you aiming for the Mac App Store with this or are
>>>>>> you releasing it as a 3rd party developer?
>>>>>> -- Tom Bodine

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