(OT) Yosemite and the immediate future ....

Francis Nugent Dixon effendi at wanadoo.fr
Wed Nov 26 07:53:15 EST 2014

Hi from Beautiful (but wet) Brittany,

I know where Apple is trying to lead us, AND I DON’T WANNA GO !

I have 4 Macs, with 3 versions of OSX. 10.7, 10.8 and 10.9
I like my Macs as they are, although 10.9 seems to be squeezing
me, just a tad.

Now, on all my OS-X versions, I get encouragements to upgrade
directly to Yosemite (10.10). Youpee - it’s free - Go with the flow !
(and if we have changed your way of life, consider it PROGRESS !)

I don’t like being pushed or shoved. I don’t care if Apple want
to merge OSX and iOS. I want my OS X !!!!!!!!

I haven’t got an iPad, I haven’t got an iPhone, and I don’t want
either ! I am quite happy with OSX systems (10.8 was the best)

Apple have been slowly changing the way we think of OSX for
some time, when it is most certainly the BEST Operating System
ever. And they push us to Yosemite only to save development

We have already been notified that some of our best apps won’t
run on Yosemite  - Sorry, you have to pay for the update  : >((

Will LiveCode work on iOS (version 2016), or will we have to
pay for the authorisation to run our OWN apps, on our OWN
computers  ? …...

Will Apple accept LiveCode Apps (after vetting, and, for a price !)
iinevitably increasing already expensive LiveCode user costs ?

Anybody out there worried like me ??

Of course, it you have a PC, you won’t be worried when they start
merging Android into Windows (….. unless it has already started !)


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