Stack Menu Mystery - Disappointing Documentation (Long, sorry)
Richard Gaskin
ambassador at
Tue Nov 25 15:40:38 EST 2014
John Dixon wrote:
> Richard Gaskin wrote:
>> Bob Sneidar wrote:
>> > And along with that we should probably have the Menu Builder
>> > automatically create File and Edit menus complete with the
>> > script commands that make them work.
>> Maybe. It's a tough call with a toolkit as flexible as LiveCode,
>> since it's used for such a wide range of different types of apps,
>> each of which may have any variety of data storage methods,
>> undoable actions the engine can't know about, etc.
> it would pay them to look at 'superCard', they have building menus
> 'down pat'...:-)
Although I spent the first decade of my company focused on SuperCard,
it's been a while since I've had occasion to use it deeply.
What sort of scripts do they now pre-populate menus with? How do they
account for the range of things people build?
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems
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