LC Server on DreamHost?
Peter W A Wood
peterwawood at
Mon Nov 24 01:02:22 EST 2014
> On 24 Nov 2014, at 13:28, stephen barncard <stephenREVOLUTION2 at> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 8:17 PM, Peter W A Wood <peterwawood at>
> wrote:
>> Some time ago, I ran some tests to measure the comparative startup times
>> of PHP, LiveCode and HTML on On-rev. The two scripts are simple:
>> Livecode
>> <html><head></head><body><?php echo "<p>I've started</p>"
>> ?></body></html>
>> PHP
>> <html><head></head><body><?php echo "<p>I've started</p>"
>> ?></body></html>
>> <html><head></head><body><p>I've started</p></body></html>
> I don't see Livecode being called here in any way. ???
Oops. I copy and pasted the wrong file. The LiveCode version was:
<html><head></head><body><?rev put "<p>I've started</p>" ?></body></html>
> And I don't use On-Rev. I believe On-Rev alters Apache.
I don’t know. On-rev does not have mod_php installed so PHP runs as a cgi script. If I remember correctly, the last tests that I ran showed that LiveCode and PHP loaded in very similar times. These results suggest that LiveCode was running as a cgi on On-Rev.
> My comment was regarding using the htaccess cgi methods on Dreamhost,
> livecode vs PHP.
I shared the web pages/scripts as a means of finding out if the issue with LiveCode on Dreamhost is during the time LiveCode is loading. There are an easy way to roughly compare the load times of HTML, PHP and LiveCode on any host.
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