LC Server on DreamHost?

Phil Davis revdev at
Sun Nov 23 02:32:02 EST 2014

On 11/22/14 10:23 AM, Warren Samples wrote:
> On 11/21/2014 01:56 PM, Phil Davis wrote:
>> I'm glad it isn't just me:
>> Phil Davis
> Phil,
> Your desktop utility shows a difference of about 8 to 10 times using 
> your URLs and about 4 times using mine when run under 6.6.2. Opening 
> the URLs in a browser continues to show a significant difference, but 
> it's hard to quantify. Could you put a timer in the scripts themselves? 

New URLs:

Very interesting! The scripts run quite speedily on both servers.

> Also, it seems probable from how they display in the utility and the 
> browser that the scripts are not quite identical, with the one at 
> <> not converting 'CR' to '<br>' as does 
> (apparently) the other one. However doubtful it might be that this has 
> serious impact, it would be best ensure they are identical.

Done. Here is the '' script:
--- start ---
put the long seconds into tStart
put tStart into tStart2
put "LC version" && the version & CR & "SYSTEM VERSION"  && the 
systemVersion & CR & the time & CR after tOutput
repeat with x = 1 to 3
     put x & CR after tOutput
end repeat
put CR
put the keys of $_SERVER into tList
sort lines of tList
repeat for each line tKey in tList
     if $_SERVER[tKey] is an array
     then put "[" & tKey & "]" & CR after tOutput
     else put tKey && "=" && $_SERVER[tKey] & CR after tOutput
end repeat
replace CR with "<BR>" in tOutput
put the long seconds - tStart && "secs<BR>"
put tOutput
put the long seconds - tStart2 && "secs<BR>"
--- end ---


> Warren
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Phil Davis

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