Calculate number of rows in a DataGrid

Trevor DeVore lists at
Wed Nov 19 11:51:46 EST 2014

On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 6:59 AM, Terence Heaford <t.heaford at>

> How can I calculate the number of rows in a DataGrid.
> I don’t mean the dgNumberOfLines as this is just the number of rows
> containing data.
> I actually need the number of visible rows. The DataGrid can be resized by
> script.
> It is straightforward where the height of the header and the height of a
> row is fixed but I was hoping the information may be a property of the
> DataGrid but I can’t seem to fined one.

Would dgVisibleLines work? From the docs:

- Returns the first and last line being displayed in the data grid as a
comma delimited list. Useful if you want to provide visual feedback as to
which lines are being displayed.

Trevor DeVore
ScreenSteps    -

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