BBEdit Language Module for LiveCode

Mike Kerner MikeKerner at
Sun Nov 16 19:20:22 EST 2014

we really need to get a group effort going on the script editor.

On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 6:11 PM, Ben Rubinstein <benr_mc at> wrote:

> Thanks for doing this.  Glad you got code folding working.
>  now you get code folding....two anomalies: the code folding arrow is
>> *below* the opening command statement line and the end of statement line
>> is
>> folded up also into the collapsed node.
> I think these are probably to do with the 'function scanner' - I had a
> quite a bit of trouble getting it to the current state, which worked well
> enough to make a menu of functions, but wasn't paying too much attention to
> where it started and ended - I suspect tweaking that will get the code
> folding right,
> > Locally: I changed the file name to "LiveCode.plist"
> We've been through so many changes of language name that I didn't even
> notice the name!
> My crash course in Git (it's exactly as far as I've got, on Friday):
> - Make an account on GitHub.
> - Go to here
> - and click the "Fork" button at the top-right.
> At that point you have a copy in your account.
> -  Then grab the link under "HTTPS clone URL" further down the right-hand
> side, and use it to get your local repository (In SourceTree, it was "New
> Repository/Clone from URL".
> - Now you have a local set of the files; can make changes and commit them.
> I assume that can include renaming a file, or just deleting it and
> replacing it with a new one with another name.
> I think it would be good if everyone can keep working in the same arena.
> On 14/11/2014 21:19, Brahmanathaswami wrote:
>> I got it working and code folding too!
>> I'm going here for my starter kit as this is three hours old and
>> I think it is the one ben is working on and not
>> Jackie...I will send you off list... I don't have time to mess with Git
>> Hub
>> right now, because the file name is wrong "LiveScript.plist" and I don't
>> want
>> to fork it to "LiveCode.plist" (all over my little GIT head...)
>> Locally: I changed the file name to "LiveCode.plist"
>> changes the keys for the language name and four letter designator and
>> extension in the .plist to
>> LiveCode
>> LvCd
>> .lc
>> and added this block  (does not work to add these statement keys inside
>> the
>> existing language features node... ... that breaks it dunno why
>> <key>
>>              Language Features
>> </key>
>> <dict>
>> <key>Open Statement Blocks</key>
>> <string>command</string>
>> <string>function</string>
>> <string>on</string>
>> <key>Close Statement Blocks</key>
>> <string>end</string>
>> </dict>
>> Then of course in your BBEDit prefs you add livecode with extension lc
>> now you get code folding....two anomalies:
>> the code folding arrow is *below* the opening command statement line and
>> the
>> end of statement line is folded up also into the collapsed node. But it
>> seems
>> not to be greedy so when you see:
>> command setDataForPage pURL, pContent
>>      ...
>> is actually
>> command setDataForPage pURL, pContent
>>      ...
>> end setDataForPage
>> Fantastic... good bye Sublime Text2
>> Swasti Astu, Be Well!
>> Brahmanathaswami
>> Kauai's Hindu Monastery
>> Ben Rubinstein wrote:
>>> If you want to have a go yourself, my work in progress is here
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On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."

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