hair-pulling frustration

Neil Roger neil at
Fri Nov 14 06:07:37 EST 2014

Hi Ralph,

Thanks for your fantastic suggestion!

I've had a quick chat with our testing master, Hanson, and he is more 
than happy to look at into integrating any advance query stacks you may 
have into our current test system.

If you do get a chance to create any of these, please fire them over to 
support at and we will then forward them onto Hanson.

We're also in the process of integrating a system that allows the 
community to submit tests with any reports they create. This means that 
they should be automatically included during any internal testing we do.

Kind Regards,

Neil Roger
LiveCode Support Team ~

On 13/11/2014 21:14, Ralph DiMola wrote:
> Neil,
> With user input and Richard's moderating this thread has started to bear
> some fruit. After writing HW diagnostics for years I know how challenging is
> to come with thorough testing scenarios. I don't know what your QC process
> for databases is but might I suggest using challenging queries. I would be
> happy to set up a stack to test them along with the DBs. For example:
> SELECT Table1.*, Table2.*,Table3.* FROM Table1 LEFT JOIN Table2 ON
> Table1.Designation = Table2.Designation LEFT JOIN Table3 ON Table1.State =
> Table3.State AND Table1.County = Table3.County WHERE (Table3.Region = 'Foo')
> or
> ATTACH DATABASE "Table3.db" AS Table3DB
> SELECT Table3.*,Table1.* from Table3DB.Table3 JOIN Table1 ON Table3.CourseID
> = Table1.CourseID JOIN Table2 ON Table2.County = Table1.County AND
> Table2.State = Table1.State WHERE (Table3.Favorite or Table3.frog <> '')
> Mr. Haworth and all you other DB gurus out there, what other testing
> scenarios do think should be included in the RR DB QC process?
> The way I look at it the more we help RR the more we help ourselves.
> Ralph DiMola
> IT Director
> Evergreen Information Services
> rdimola at
> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-livecode [mailto:use-livecode-bounces at] On Behalf
> Of Neil Roger
> Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 2:59 PM
> To: How to use LiveCode
> Subject: Re: hair-pulling frustration
> Hi Richard,
> I've  attempted to replicate the semicolon issue without any success.
> This could be why we have not come accross it during testing in-house.
> The script that I tested with is-
> global gConnectionID
> on mouseUp
>      global gConnectionID
>      if gConnectionID is not a number then
>         answer error "Please connect to the database first."
>         exit to top
>      end if
>      put "Table1" into tTableName
>      put "SELECT * FROM " & tTableName into tSQL
>      put revDataFromQuery(,,gConnectionID,"SELECT * FROM Table1;") into tData
>      if item 1 of tData = "revdberr" then
>         answer error "There was a problem querying the database:" & cr &
> tData
>      else
>         put tData into field "Data"
>      end if
> end mouseUp
> Both the inclusion and exclusion of the semi-colon return data as
> expected. If possible, could you supply a stack for me to test with and
> I will happily look into this further.
> Kind Regards,
> Neil Roger

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