externals for mac

Monte Goulding monte at sweattechnologies.com
Wed Nov 12 23:58:37 EST 2014

On 13 Nov 2014, at 3:50 pm, François Chaplais <francois.chaplais at mines-paristech.fr> wrote:

> I repost this forum post which has no answer at this time:
> I am interested in building externals for the mac. Since the switch to a more cocoa friendly version of livecode, has the externals SDK been updated (I mean desktop, not iOS)? I specifically need 64 bit support for scientific computations, and I would like to use the accelerate framework, which is optimized for multicore processors.
> In short, mac externals are still carbon or can they use cocoa?
> Does anyone care about desktop externals anymore?

I cross compile a number of my externals for iOS and OS X. I nearly did my mapkit external the other day until I realised that Apple only released a 64 bit version of the framework. Once LiveCode goes 64 bit on OS X which should be soon I can get it out.

Use the iOS SDK then add a bundle target to the project.



M E R Goulding 
Software development services
Bespoke application development for vertical markets

mergExt - There's an external for that!

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