BBEdit Language Module for LiveCode

Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Mon Nov 10 15:42:35 EST 2014

Has anyone developed a codeless (ergo livecode-language.plist) language 
module for BBEdit?

BBedit 11 came out and though it costs $...

  I've never really been happy with anything else I have tried.

(Sublime2, Atom etc)

If not I will get to work on my own.

Is there an existing convention for the 4ltr application code for Livecode?


# would seem to be the obvious default if the global application name 
space has this as an available option. i.e. not in used by some other 
software (cc support on this one as they may have a vested interest in 
getting this right)

Swasti Astu, Be Well!

Kauai's Hindu Monastery

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