which iPhone...

John Dixon dixonja at hotmail.co.uk
Mon Nov 10 12:03:58 EST 2014

Hi Randy... 

The problem is that trying to get the screen rect using the ScreenRect function only returns the correct sizes for the iPhone 4 and iPhone 5... it returns the rect of an iPhone 5, 0,0,320,586 when trying to query for iPhone 6...


> Hi John,
> I haven't messed with iPhone 6 yet, but here's what I've done to determine screen size for my opening card/image to show. I'm only using the landscape options for display
>  switch (word 1 of the machine)
>       case "iPod"
>       case "iPhone"
>          if item 3 the screenRect = 568 or item 3 of the screenRect = 1136 then
>             show image "CFS_Splash_iPod4_Retina_BLUE.png" on card "CoverCard"
>          end if
>          if item 3 the screenRect = 480 or item 3 of the screenRect = 960 then
>             show image "CFS_Splash_iPod_Retina_BLUE.png" on card "CoverCard"
>          end if
>          break
>       case "iPad"
>          show image "CFS_Splash_iPad_Retina_Land_BLUE.png" on card "CoverCard"
>          break
>       default
>          show image "CFS_Splash_iPad_Retina_Land_BLUE.png" on card "CoverCard"
>          break
>    end switch
> be well,
> randy


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