Problems with externals when building for iOS8

Vaughn Clement vclement at
Wed Nov 5 18:06:58 EST 2014

Hi Monte

On the Apple forum there is a discussion on the app bombing at startup. I
have apps that have been online for years doing this in IOS 8.1. I know
Apple is aware of this because there are so many people complaining about
the App Store and their apps crashing.

Thank you

Vaughn Clement

Apps by Vaughn Clement (Support)
On Target Solutions LLC Website:
Email: ontargetsolutions at
Skype: vaughn.clement

FaceTime: vclement at
Ph. 928-254-9062

On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 3:49 PM, Monte Goulding <monte at>

> On 6 Nov 2014, at 3:11 am, Andrew Henshaw <henshaw at> wrote:
> > Is anyone having problems with externals when building for iOS8 or 8.1?
> >
> > I seem to be hitting my head against a brick all.  I have the latest
> xCode 6.1 installed,  and ive tried building with Livecode 6.5,  6.7 and
> 7.0 with the same result everytime.
> >
> > Taking a very basic app with just one button and compile and run in the
> simulator and everything is fine,  but then put an external (eg mergext) in
> a folder, and include that folder in the apps package and the app then
> bombs immediately after the splash screen.
> >
> > Ive tried all combinations I can think of,  and its happening on both my
> macs.  Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?
> Are you having the issue with a particular external or all of them? I
> haven't had any reports like this. I'm not sure if including a folder or
> including the lcext file directly would make any difference.
> Cheers
> Monte
> --
> M E R Goulding
> Software development services
> Bespoke application development for vertical markets
> mergExt - There's an external for that!
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