Problems with externals when building for iOS8

Andrew Henshaw henshaw at
Wed Nov 5 11:11:02 EST 2014

Is anyone having problems with externals when building for iOS8 or 8.1?

I seem to be hitting my head against a brick all.  I have the latest xCode 6.1 installed,  and ive tried building with Livecode 6.5,  6.7 and 7.0 with the same result everytime.

Taking a very basic app with just one button and compile and run in the simulator and everything is fine,  but then put an external (eg mergext) in a folder, and include that folder in the apps package and the app then bombs immediately after the splash screen.

Ive tried all combinations I can think of,  and its happening on both my macs.  Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?


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