Progress info from wget or curl?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Sun Nov 2 11:59:25 EST 2014

Mark Wieder wrote:

 > Richard Gaskin <ambassador at ...> writes
 >> When using shell to call something like wget or curl, normally we
 >> just get the final output, so if those programs provide any
 >> progress feedback when run in Terminal it's lost on us.
 >> But it would be really nice to be able to get that info - anyone
 >> here know a way?
 > FWIW, here are the command args I use with wget (watch linewrap):
 > /usr/local/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --config=/etc/wgetrc -O-
 > --content-on-error -o /dev/null
 > but I prefer to use httpie and only resort to wget or curl if I need
 > to send client certificates (I need this often, and httpie doesn't
 > yet support them in a stable release).

At the risk of appearing even more ignorant than I am, I'm apparently 
just thick-headed enough that I still don't understand the key aspect 
I'm hoping to find:

The options for displaying progress in the terminal work well, but how 
can we call that from LiveCode to obtain that progress info periodically 
while the command is executing from the "shell" function?

Is there a way to use "open process" for that?

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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