Highlited text in a cd fld

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Fri May 23 19:24:02 EDT 2014

I have a similar issue with any field. The focus is lost when switching to another app. It’s not just that the text is no longer selected, the cursor is no longer at the end of the text you were typing and the focus border is off for the field you were typing in. I have to click where I was typing again before proceeding. It’s a little annoying. 

You can play around with suspendStack and resumeStack if you like. on suspendStack save the current focused object and selection in a stack property, and on resumeStack restore it again. It’s ugly but I bet it would work. Pass the messages when done with them. Not sure what would happen if you blocked them. 

Bob S

On May 23, 2014, at 24:29 , Terence Heaford <t.heaford at btinternet.com> wrote:

> I have noticed when using a cd field as a list/table that when switching from the card containing the field and back again that the highlight setting of any text is lost.
> Is this expected/normal behaviour?
> Am I expected to save all the current highlight status when leaving the card and reinstate it when I return?
> This seems odd behaviour.
> All the best
> Terry

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