Writing to Mum in Glagolitic script

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Thu May 22 15:04:56 EDT 2014

On 22/05/14 21:49, Alejandro Tejada wrote:
> Richmond Mathewson-2 wrote
>> I am perfectly happy to send you the code off-list on the understanding
>> that you will keep it to yourself and not do anything with it other than
>> look at how the code works.
>> [snip]
> You already published your source code. :o
> http://runtime-revolution.278305.n4.nabble.com/5000-lines-of-code-td3575168.html
> I believe that you could publish more custom text editors
> and effectively carve a niche for your unique skills of
> Language Teacher and Software Developer.

There is no money in it.

If I thought there were; I'd be gently downsizing my EFL school and 
closing it in 2 to 3 years
and relying on what you suggest.

Teaching 5-11 year olds English is physically extremely demanding, and 
at 52 I am starting
to wonder how long I will be able to hack it.

> So, for which language would be your next custom text editor?

Anglo-Saxon, Gothic, Old High German [they sit naturally together] and 

> http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-invented-languages.php

Not Klingon: very funny, but I'm not all that interested in what seems a 
bit childish to me.

> Al


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