The All-Time 1001 things to do with LiveCode Top 10

Jim sims sims at
Thu May 22 01:02:15 EDT 2014

Hello Peter,

Talking dog? I am wondering if it was my talking dog? I made one to help
advertise one of the first RevCons that was held. I hosted two of them in
Malta and then Kevin took over. Was fun but a lot of work :-P

I have another item that might be of interest to your list:

This one shows two stacks/cards, one is like a database or spreadsheet in
nature - the other is a controller stack. To change the functionality of
buttons on the controller you drag a name from the database. The controller
then uses that name to pull data for use.

Perhaps a movie is worth a thousand words  ;-)

Ciao from Rome, Italy...soon to be Dublin, Ireland.


On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 3:18 AM, Peter W A Wood <peterwawood at>wrote:

>  1. Code an App store accepted game in a week
>  2. Administer SQLite databases
>  3. Manage a database of images
>  4. Build mobile games
>  5. Make a talking dog
>  6. Build an assembly language interpreter
>  7. Exercise Your Right Brain
>  8. Build a virtual pet ... when you're eleven!
>  9. Develop an interactive electronic textbook
> 10. Build a tiny web server
> Peter
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