[OFF] Cool Plugins

Alejandro Tejada capellan2000 at gmail.com
Sun May 11 17:01:50 EDT 2014

Hi Richmond,

Richmond Mathewson-2 wrote
> Having experimented quite a bit with web-based machine translation
> I think that is most unwise.
> However; it might not be a bad idea to use a machine-based translation 
> first, and then follow it up by proper checking / style-editing / remedial
> translation by somebody who is fully functional in both English and the
> target language. This would save a certain amount of time.
> [snip]

Actually, these web based translation platforms do not make
automatic translations of texts.

Just allows a group of translator to collaborate in real time
on a translation project.

By the way, in a message posted in this mail list, I wrote that a 
document have as many valid translations as readers.
This means that every reader "translate" the contents to
match their own level of understanding.

It's only when you ask a reader:
Could you explain or demonstrate the content of this document?

only then, you find (with a lot of amazement) the incredible
diversity of markedly different meanings that a single document
receive after being "learned" by different readers.

If you gave for translation a single chapter of the LiveCode Guide
to developers in Spain, Mexico, Colombia and Argentina,
you will receive 4 similar, but different, translations.

Which is the correct translation? All, just one or none?
The answer is easy to know. Just test them with the
intended audience.
which translation they understand better?

The answer to this simple question would be another
unexpected surprise for everyone involved.

So, a web based platform would encourage people
of all around the world to collaborate in the diffusion
of this platform, LiveCode.


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