Modularising Code

Terence Heaford t.heaford at
Fri May 9 06:25:33 EDT 2014

Replying to self here:

I am aware of 

"The four numbers returned by the scriptLimits function are:

* the number of statements permitted when changing a script (normally 10 in a standalone application)
* the number of statements permitted in a do command (normally 10 in a standalone application)
* the number of stacks permitted in the stacksInUse (normally 50 in a standalone application)
* the number of objects permitted in the frontScripts and backScripts (normally 10 in a standalone application)”

However, I thought I’d read somewhere (not sure where) that this had changed or was to change.

All the best


On 9 May 2014, at 07:49, Terence Heaford <t.heaford at> wrote:

> Is there a limit to the number of front and back scripts a project can have?

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