how to sort lines with a $ amount

stephen barncard stephenREVOLUTION2 at
Mon Mar 31 22:22:18 EDT 2014

I would employ a dual-system where the displayed values are just a display
and the 'real' values to be sorted would be in a custom property of the
field. The "display field" could be refreshed as needed after calculation.

LC is so fast one shouldn't worry about speed issues with this.

another way would be a narrow field that could just show the dollar signs
with the same font, but alignment would be a bigger issue..

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 7:03 PM, <larry at> wrote:

> So I get something like this:
> $11.00
> $120.00
> $47.00
> When what I want is:
> $11.00
> $47.00
> $120.00
> Thanks in advance for any enlightenment!
> Larry

*Stephen Barncard - San Francisco Ca. USA - Deeds Not Words*

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