multi-line constants? (for RSA keys)

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Mon Mar 31 13:37:00 EDT 2014

On 3/31/14, 10:10 AM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
> It was my impression that the mainstack gets*glued*  together with
> the runtime engine and is not accessible in the same way the
> substacks are, which are merely included in a subfolder or in the
> case of OS X, in the package. Is this no longer the case? Or have I
> simply misunderstood all this time?

If the substacks are true substacks, they are "glued" to the engine the 
same way the mainstack is. This is the standard way substacks work. All 
stacks in a standalone are part of the same file on disk and received 
the same protection.

However, there is a checkbox in standalone settings that allows you to 
save out substacks as separate files during the build. If you choose to 
do that, then they are no longer substacks, they are removed from the 
file and turned into individual document stacks. Those are the same as 
any other stack you'd use during development and as such, they are no 
longer part of your app. They're just loose in the folder (or in the 
bundle on Macs) and can be opened by anyone with a copy of LiveCode, no 
tricks required. The scripts will be obscured if the stack is password 
protected but everything else, including properties, will be accessible 
because it's just a plain old stack now.

So if you want the same protection you'd get in the mainstack, just make 
sure you don't have that checkbox selected.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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