A print stack printing problem on Windows

Charles Szasz cszasz at me.com
Mon Mar 24 17:44:53 EDT 2014

I have a real problem with using substack as a printing stack.  First of all, I am using Rev 5.5.5. This is the first time I am using a print stack in one of my projects. I usually use the print card command.

The print stack is a substack of my app stack and has only one card, which receives data from my app stack.  I am also using a splash app to launch to my app stack. 

I have some fields that are grouped and are used on several cards.  The grouped fields are placed on several cards of my app stack. When I use a substack to print one of my card of my app stack on Windows XP, I found if the user prints or cancels printing, the last field in the group field loses data in the field. In my case, the field is Field “school”.  I have examined all of my scripts and stack settings. I still find what is causing this problem. I also set the format to printing for my print stack.  Here is my script:

if the platform is "macos"
     set the printPaperOrientation to "portrait"  
     set the printmargins to 36,108,36,72
     set the printScale to .82351
     open printing with dialog as sheet 

     if the result = "cancel" then exit to top 

     lock screen

     open invisible stack "printReferral"

     print stack "printReferral"
     close printing

     go to card "referral" of stack “School Report"
     unlock screen
  end if

  if the platform is "win32" 
     answer printer
     set the printPaperOrientation to "portrait"
     set the printmargins to 36,108,36,72
     set the printScale to .8235

     open printing 
     if the result = "cancel" then exit to top

     set the formatforprinting of this stack to true

     lock screen

     open invisible stack "printReferral"
     print stack "printReferral"

     close printing 

     go to card "referral" of stack "School Report"
     unlock screen
  end if

Anybody have any suggestions?

Charles Szasz
cszasz at mac.com

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