7.0 Issues

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Sun Mar 23 15:22:26 EDT 2014

On 3/23/14, 12:13 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:
> That makes sense but the dictionary entry says:
> Value:
> The stackFileVersion currently has two possible values:
>    - "2.4" - This stack file version is used by LiveCode 2.6.1 and earlier
>    - "2.7" - This stack file version is used by versions of LiveCode after
> 2.6.1.
> The 2.4 value is what is confusing.
> That's from the dictionary entry for 5.5.4 and it doesn't even mention the
> 5.5 value.

That's an iffy explanation for what I meant. Version 2.6.1 was the last 
release before 2.7. What they're trying to say is that version 2.7 
changed the file format and if you save in 2.7 then version 2.6.1 won't 
open it any more. Back then, the only other file format was the 2.4 
earlier one, which all files created prior to 2.7 were using.

It's easier to think of it in the other direction: the numbers are the 
changeover version of the file format, and engines earlier than that 
number won't open files saved in later versions.

And yeah, the entry apparently hasn't been updated since 2.7 when the 
"stackFileVersion" syntax was introduced. We've had 5.5 since then and 
now 7.0. Same rules apply though.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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