best/fastest way to tell if a field contains unicode text?

Mark Wieder mwieder at
Thu Mar 20 13:39:25 EDT 2014

Fraser Gordon <fraser.gordon at ...> writes:

> In LiveCode 7.0, all text is Unicode and there is no such thing as
"non-Unicode text". There are ways to
> convert text to and from legacy 8-bit encodings (like MacRoman) when doing
I/O to
> files/sockets/processes/etc but (in the engine at least) all text is Unicode.


put unidecode("hello bucko")

converts the text to 敨汬Ɐ戠捵潫.

(I'm hoping that makes it through the various email filters)... in case it
doesn't,, it's Kanji with an upside-down A in the middle. Running it through
Google presented me with
which has the interesting Copyright @ 2002 Mark Twain - I assume the rumors
of his death are once again exagerated.

 Mark Wieder
 ahsoftware at

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