Learning about server

Roger Eller roger.e.eller at sealedair.com
Wed Jun 25 19:07:46 EDT 2014

On Android, when I try to copy the shortened URL, this is what I get:

"You can now copy the shortened URL...
Powered by LiveCode Community Server"

It would hilite the URL, "http://8up.uk/M" but not copy it.


Sent from my Android tablet
On Jun 25, 2014 5:19 PM, "John Craig" <john at splash21.com> wrote:

> I've created a url shortening service with LC server that I want to write
> up as an example app.  It seems like quite a good project to start with as
> it's fairly short / easy to complete, but not without having to solve a few
> problems first.  There's exposure to quite a good mix of things to get it
> up and running - and I'll also add a captcha image to prevent robots...
> http://8up.uk
> On 10/06/2014 10:56, John Craig wrote:
>> Any areas in particular that interest you?  I was speaking to someone
>> recently about writing a book on LC server - not sure how much interest
>> there would be, but here is the current list of possible topics;
>> Basic .lc server scripts
>> Sessions
>> Basic logging in and out with sessions
>> SQL primer
>> Server scripts with MySQL
>> Logging in and out with a database
>> Web applications
>> User and group permissions
>> Javascript
>> Web APIs
>> Push notifications: iOS/Android
>> Basic record versioning with AJAX
>> With hangouts / skype and all the other wonders of the interweb, delivery
>> could be fun..
>> On 10/06/2014 04:00, Dar Scott wrote:
>>> I would like to learn about server.
>>> But, as Frodo would way, I don’t know the way.
>>> Dar Scott
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