Livecode Server and Repeat Scripts on Server

JOHN PATTEN johnpatten at
Thu Jul 31 20:31:57 EDT 2014

Hi All,

I’m experimenting with LiveCode server. Trying to get my head around some of the challenges of scripting on the server. I’ve come up with one I’m a bit stuck on. 

I have a four line csv text file on server consisting of username, password, and email. i.e. jdoe, password, jdoe at etc.

I am trying to test for duplicate user names when user creates an account in the stack.  I’m having trouble with the recognizing the duplicate user account in my script. It just runs through the complete script.

Here’s my script:

put $_POST["username"] into tUsername
put $_POST["password"] into tPassword
put $_POST["email"] into tEmail
put url("file:users.txt") into tUserFile

repeat for each line thisLine in tUserFile

if item 1 of tLine is tUsername then 
put "Sorry, username (" && tUserName && ") has already been used. Try another."
exit repeat


put return & tUsername & "," & tPassword & "," & tEmail & "," & "Button 1" --after tUserFile
--open file  "users.txt" for write
--write tUserFile to file "users.txt"
--close file "users.txt"
--put tUsername & "," & "Button 1"
--exit repeat
end if
end repeat

Anybody have an idea why even with a duplicate username the script continues on?
Thank you!
John Patten

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