RevOnline & User Comments in the Dictionary

larry at larry at
Sun Jul 27 14:21:03 EDT 2014

Hello Peter,
I went to your link below.
I see what appears to be a LiveCode stack.
Do I have to compile that before I put in the plugins folder?
Sorry, I'm a VERY newbie.

>> > OK, here's a quick-and-dirty plugin called LCdictPlugin. Pop it into
>> your plugins folder and restart LC.
>> I realized that with my original plugin it's impossible to tell if you
>> have a user note for a given dictionary entry without checking each entry
>> every time with a right-click. So I've revised the plugin. It now places 
>> a
>> "button" at the top of your revDictionary window (actually a palette 
>> stack
>> that moves with the dictionary stack) labeled "user note". The label
>> appears in red if you have an existing note, and in black if you don't.
>> Click on the button to see/enter/edit your note. (No popup needed, so
>> popChoose is no longer part of the plugin.)
>> still available at:

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