Commercial Indy License for HTML5

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Thu Jul 17 16:28:00 EDT 2014

Hi Brahmanathaswami ,

I don't have the slightest idea. LiveCode's HTML5 website doesn't seem 
to provide any information about it. I'm a little worried that they will 
use a CGI engine in the same way as Xojo does. The engine and the stack 
would be compiled into a CGI engine, which then produces Javascript that 
can render the website in the browser. That would be a show stopper for 
me, because shared servers often don't allow installation of additional 
CGI engines.

If they don't use a CGI engine, I don't see how the HTML5 website could 
be closed source. As Ralph writes, it is true that the Javascript will 
probably be obfuscated or just too big to be interpreted by the human 
reader, but that doesn't stop anyone from reading the source code and 
converting it to something readable --LiveCode is a big project too, but 
apparently it can still be read :-)

Then again, the text of the license might just contain some phrase, 
which obliges any big company to publish the stacks in downloadable 
form, unless the company has a commercial license.

Anyway, I couldn't find any info about this and that bugs me. I have no 
idea if I should give a little money.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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On 7/17/2014 20:45, Brahmanathswami wrote:
> Can anyone tell me what this actually get us?
> "The HTML5 license permits closed source deployment to HTML5 only, other
> platforms are not included "
> My naive understanding of HTML5 is "deployed in a web browser"
> why and where and in what contexts and also "how" would you need close
> source deployment... isn't the CSS, JS and HTML for any such app
> completely inspect-able (just open page source and then click on the css
> link and js links...)
> Swasti Astu, Be Well!
> Brahmanathaswami
> Kauai's Hindu Monastery

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