Conflicting paths

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Jul 12 18:27:48 EDT 2014

On 7/12/2014, 2:42 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:
> Jacque-
> Saturday, July 12, 2014, 11:50:07 AM, you wrote:
>> The original post needed to get the points of an oval in order to use
>> them as a path for animating an object with the "move" command. It's
>> likely the oval itself wouldn't even be displayed. Right now, ovals
>> don't have the points property, so you need to use a polygon, and thus,
>> the attempts to contruct one that appeared to be oval.
>> Soon ovals will have a points property, and these awkward attempts to
>> reproduce them with polygons will no longer be necessary.
> ...and actually, if you calculate the points and store them in a
> variable you don't even need a visible graphic. Just iterate through
> the lines of the variable, setting the loc of the <whatever> to each
> line as you go.

And even more actually, you don't need to iterate. The "move" command 
accepts a point list all by itself. :)

What you did is going to be hugely convenient. It's funny, I never 
needed to get the points of a standard graphic object before, but right 
after Richmond posted this thread I suddenly found a situation where I 
could have used it. Talk about timing.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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