Ordinal numbers

stephen barncard stephenREVOLUTION2 at barncard.com
Thu Jul 3 19:49:25 EDT 2014

On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Charles E Buchwald <charles at buchwald.ca>

> These 21 additional words would allow numbers up to 999 billion if you
> construct your phrases like this:
>  "one hundred thousand two hundred fourteen"
> or
> "twenty million four hundred twenty two thousand three hundred forty six"
> If you add the "th" suffix to the first nine, then you can include stuff
> like
> "one hundred thousand two hundred fourteenth"

And of course a different set of constants for French, German, etc.

Can a multi-dimensional constant be created?

*Stephen Barncard - San Francisco Ca. USA - Deeds Not Words*

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