popUp a button with itself on modified mouseDown?
Michael Doub
mikedoub at gmail.com
Wed Jul 2 08:47:06 EDT 2014
Thanks Peter. Very handy.
-= Mike
On Jul 2, 2014, at 8:16 AM, Peter Brigham <pmbrig at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm late to this discussion but here's what I do. It's a modular solution,
> and I use it a lot. It's great for contextual menus for right-clicking in a
> field (customize the button contents depending on context) and I've often
> used it for just what you are doing, to offer a popup list on
> right-clicking a standard button. Once it's set up you will likely find
> yourself using it for lots of things, since calling it is as simple as:
> put popChoose("Vera","Chuck","Dave","-","Lovely Rita","Nowhere Man")
> into uChoice
> function popChoose
> -- create a popup button in your mainstack or a library stack
> -- button style = menu, menumode = popup, name = "contextualMenu"
> -- button script:
> -- on menupick what
> -- set the uSelection of me to what
> -- end menupick
> -- make the button invisible when you're done, if needed
> -- then paste this handler into a suitable stack script, so it's
> available anywhere
> -- could be the same stack the button is in, but that's not necessary
> -- enter the short name of the stack containing the button
> -- into the constant declaration below.
> -- popChoose() can accept a cr-delimited list of choices
> -- or a comma-delimited list
> -- eg: put "Vera" & cr & "Chuck" & cr & "Dave" into choiceList
> -- put popChoose(choiceList) into userChoice
> -- or: put popChoose(choice1,choice2,choice3) into userChoice
> -- or: put popChoose("One","Two","Three") into userChoice
> constant popChooseStackName = "yourLibraryStack"
> put the params into tList
> put offset("(",tList) into q
> delete char 1 to q of tList
> delete char -1 of tList
> replace comma & space & quote with comma & quote in tList
> replace quote & comma & quote with cr in tList
> if char 1 of tList = quote then delete char 1 of tList
> if char -1 of tList = quote then delete char -1 of tList
> put empty into u
> set the uSelection of btn "contextualMenu" of stack popChooseStackName
> to empty
> put tList into btn "contextualMenu" of stack popChooseStackName
> popup btn "contextualMenu" of stack popChooseStackName
> put the uSelection of btn "contextualMenu" of stack popChooseStackName
> into u
> set the uSelection of btn "contextualMenu" of stack popChooseStackName
> to empty
> put empty into btn "contextualMenu" of stack popChooseStackName
> -- belt and suspenders, don't leave contents hanging around
> select empty
> if u = empty then
> exit to top
> -- ie, mouseRelease, no action
> end if
> return u
> end popChoose
> -- Peter
> Peter M. Brigham
> pmbrig at gmail.com
> http://home.comcast.net/~pmbrig
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 7:36 PM, Michael Doub <mikedoub at gmail.com> wrote:
>> create a popup button
>> move it to -100,-100
>> create your standard visible button with the following script:
>> on mousedown thebutton
>> popup button "x"
>> else
>> beep
>> end if
>> end mousedown
>> Does this do what you want?
>> -= Mike
>> On Jun 30, 2014, at 7:19 PM, Dr. Hawkins <dochawk at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 4:17 PM, Michael Doub <mikedoub at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> Take a look at the button style, menumode and general appearance
>>>> properties. I would think that you could dynamicly change the style and
>>>> menu mode and general appearance. Just a thought….
>>> Within limits, it does that so far.
>>> The code I have successfully changes the button type; my problem is
>> getting
>>> the now-popup to pop.
>>> --
>>> Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
>>> (702) 508-8462
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