mySQL disconnects

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Fri Jan 31 11:28:02 EST 2014

Hi all.

I’m struggling with an issue (it may have been addressed before but I cannot find it) where I am getting this error when attempting to query a mySQL database hosted at on-rev:

sqlyoga_executesql_err,0,0,Lost connection to MySQL server during query (SELECT customers.custid, customers.customername, customers.industry, customers.salesperson, customers.altid, customers.lastupdate FROM customers WHERE customername = "Webcor Builders  Inc”)

Yes I am using sqlYoga but I was getting the same error before I started using sqlYoga. It seems that the SQL server has some sort of timeout built in where sessions are dumped. It takes a full minute for the query to fail. I cannot subject end users to this kind of wait simply because they took a long lunch. 

I need a way to test whether or not the current connection to the database is still valid without invoking the 1 minute wait. Any suggestions? 


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