How to Reset ID's of Controls

Geoff Canyon gcanyon at
Tue Jan 28 04:30:47 EST 2014

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 8:58 AM, Richard Gaskin
<ambassador at> wrote:
> IDs are 4-byte integers, so the range goes all the way up to 4294967295.
> While less urgent than it would be if the range only went to 32768, it's
> still something I wouldn't mind seeing addressed at some point.
> 64-bit values would provide peace of mind but at the cost of space.

Not totally relevant, but I just love trotting out that FileMaker Pro
(presumably) assigns a unique, incremented ID to every row it ever
creates, because on its tech specs page, the number of records per
table is limited to, "64 quadrillion total records over life time of

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