ColorAtScreenLoc Function

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue Jan 21 16:15:23 EST 2014

Here's another way:

on getPixelColor pPt
   put the screenmouseloc into tOldLoc
   put (item 1 of pPt) + (the left of this stack) into tloc
   put (item 2 of pPt) + (the top of this stack) into item 2 of tloc
   set the screenmouseloc to tloc
   put the mousecolor into tColor
   set the screenmouseloc to tOldLoc
   return tColor
end getPixelColor

It happens so fast the mouse never moves. Based on a suggestion by Dr Raney.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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