windowShape Lubuntu Linux and xcompmgr

Ruslan Zasukhin ruslan_zasukhin at
Sun Jan 5 15:59:58 EST 2014

On 1/5/14, 10:50 PM, "Ruslan Zasukhin" <ruslan_zasukhin at>

If you have a fast Internet connection, you can change your settings to make
sure videos always play in HD qualities when they¹re available:
    1.    Go to your Settings page
    2.    Select Always play HD on fullscreen (when available)
    3.    Click the Save button

> On 1/5/14, 9:47 PM, "Roger Eller" <roger.e.eller at> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I think you need just switch to  720 dpi when watching video.
> On right side bottom, button "settings"
>     choose 720 dpi.
> We don't know why, but youtube on default set 480 dpi,
> Although video itself is 720.
>> I would tend to agree that having a PDF guide would be a useful addition to
>> the videos.  The thing about documentation though, is that often, critical
>> steps can be either overlooked or intentionally left out with the thought
>> that "everyone knows how to do that".  I look at low-res video guides as
>> something to follow "as I do it", so if I can see in the video precisely
>> "where" to click, I can read it clearly on my own screen.  I just pause the
>> video frequently as I work through the steps.  I think it's great to have
>> options though.
>>> Did you notice that small letter in these videos
>>> is really hard or impossible to read?
>>> A PDF file explaining the same procedure would be
>>> really useful.

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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